The conference may be over, but our work is just beginning.
According to the Durban Call to Action, we stand together in our commitment to prevent and eliminate child labour.
Global leaders, UN staff, and people from countries spanning the globe are raising their hands to raise awareness about this important issue.
Will you raise your hand and your voice?
3 simple steps:
- Draw a big smiley face on the palm of your hand.
- Ask someone to take your photo, or snap a selfie, with your hand raised high.
- Post it on social media, add the hashtag #RaiseYourHandForKids, and tag 3 friends!
The Durban Call to Action is a document that emphasizes the need for urgent action to end child labour. It was adopted by Delegates at the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour on 20 May 2022.
Read it yourself and then spread the word in your caption, like this:
I invite @CatherineRussell, @JantiSoeripto, and @CynthiaSamuelOlonjuwon to raise their hands for a world free of child labour, in line with the Durban Call to Action:

1. It’s easy
Everyone understands a high five. It’s a simple way to express your feelings and raise awareness, without launching into a speech about child labour. You can just raise your hand, make your post, and let people investigate from there. Link to in your post to facilitate further research.
2. It’s fun
Get your kids involved! Tell your family! Your friends! Show your creativity as well as your support for ending child labour by indulging your artistic side. How elaborate can you make your smiley face? Will you add googly eyes? Beads? Glitter?
3. You get to take it with you
If done right, you will spend the rest of the day with a smiley face drawn on your hand. Embrace it! And if anyone asks questions, tell them that you got the idea from the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour.
Are you in?
Join the challenge!