Prior to her current assignment she served as the Deputy Regional Director of the ILO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia. In the ILO she has held a variety of management positions including Deputy Sub-Regional Director for Southeast Asia, New Delhi; ILO Country Director for Viet Nam; Manager of the ILO Global Programme on “Decent Work Country Level Policy Analysis”. She has also served as an Enterprise Specialist in several positions including as the Global Manager of a Technical Corporation Programme on “Job Quality in Micro and Small Enterprises”; Enterprise Development Specialist in the ILO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific in Bangkok; and as Senior Specialist in Enterprise Development, ILO Headquarters in Geneva. Prior to the ILO she worked as Head of Product and Market Development in the pharmaceutical industry.
The event aims to share and disseminate good practices of the Labour Inspectorate related to strategic action aimed at the eradication of child labour.
The panel discusses the required mechanisms and framework to mobilize sustainable financing, and to improve coordination and strengthen partnership.