SD12 - Coopération Sud-Sud : Bonnes pratiques d’inspection du travail pour la prévention et l’éradication du travail des enfants

SD12 - Coopération Sud-Sud : Bonnes pratiques d’inspection du travail pour la prévention et l’éradication du travail des enfants

Événement parallèle
17 mai
Meeting room 12

The role of labour inspection in combating child labour is highlighted in various ILO standards, including the fundamental ILO Conventions on combating child labour (C.138 and C.182) and the Recommendations that accompany them (R.146 and R.190); as well as the conventions that deal with Labour Inspection (C. 81 of C. 129). Under this perspective, it is highlighted that the existence of an effective labour inspection system, capable of facing the challenges and complexities that involve the issue of child labour, is a central element for the eradication of this type of violation.

This session was organized with the support of