Side events are a key part of the 5th Global Conference. These sessions will allow Delegates to share knowledge and experiences related to ending child labour.
But, with a total of 28 side events, how do you choose?
The key topics of the side events are supply chains and integrated approaches to ending child labour around the world. There are 10 side events around these topics.
Other topics, covered by just one or two side events, include: awareness raising, decent work, education, evidence-based action, fisheries, innovation, labour inspections, partnerships, skills development, social protection, responsible business, and the worst forms of child labour.
View the Agenda to see the full list of what is happening when.
A recent study indicates that the link between child labour and global supply chains is often indirect. A significant share of child labour in global supply chains occurs in their lower tiers, in activities such as raw material extraction and agriculture, making due diligence, visibility and traceability challenging.
1. “Child Labour Free Supply Chains: Tackling Root Causes from Maker to Market”
Organized by the Global March and GoodWeave International
2. “Addressing Child Labour in Cobalt Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: The Role of Companies and Investors”
Organized by the Centre for Child Rights and Business, Fair Cobalt Alliance, Save the Children Germany, and Save The Children Netherlands
“#EndChildLabour in the Artisanal Mineral Supply Chain: Ground-level Solutions to accelerate Impact”
Organized by Alliance 8.7 Supply Chain Action Group in partnership with ILO ACCEL Africa and Levin Sources, ILO
“EU actions to end child labour in sustainable value chains”
Organized by European Commission, Directorate-General International Partnerships
“Building on Monitoring and Remediation Systems in Global Supply Chains: Addressing Child Labor Through a Holistic Child Centered Approach”
Organized by Save the Children
According to an ILO report, the elements of an integrated policy response to child labour include: inclusive and equitable quality education for all, social protection systems, including social protection floors, decent work for adults and youth of legal working age, and legal standards and regulations.
“Addressing Child Labour in South Asia: Emerging insights from a cross-institutional collaboration”
Organized by UNICEF, ILO, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
“Integrated area-based approach: to tackle child labour at the root, ensure the right to education and realise sustainable change”
Organized by the Global March, Education International, and the Work: No Child’s Business Alliance
In person
“Public and private sector collaboration: Integrated approaches to prevent and address child labour”
Organized by International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and the Government of Côte d’Ivoire
“Promoting an Integrated Area-based Approach to the Elimination of Child Labour: A Case of the Child Labour Free Zone in Ghana”
Organized by the Government of Ghana, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and Action against Child Exploitation
“Latin America Employers Event. Share Responsibility: Companies, government and communities working together to prevent child labor / Cultural Pertinence Strategy of the Guatemalan Coffee Sector for the Prevention of Child Labor: promoting the human development of rural communities”
Organized by the Chamber of Agriculture of Guatemala and the Business Network for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor
Only registered participants can attend in-person side events in Durban. The hybrid and online side events, however, are open to all.
The side events are scheduled for either the morning (11:15-12:15) or the afternoon (16:45-17:45). For each hour, you have a choice of four side events.
On Monday and Wednesday, side events will happen in the afternoon only. On Tuesday and Thursday, they are scheduled for both the morning and the afternoon.
You can build your own Agenda in the app.
Sign up for the newsletter if you want to be notified as soon as the official app launches.
Get excited – there are just a few days left until the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour!