Ramya is Chief of Child Rights and Protection at UNICEF-Innocenti. She is an international social policy analyst with extensive experience in research, policy advocacy, training and teaching. Previously she was Executive Director of Know Violence in Childhood, and, prior to that, she was social policy specialist at UNICEF India where she led research, policy analysis and advocacy in the areas of child-sensitive social protection, equity and social inclusion, and gender equality. She has been a research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, where she conducted research on issues related to gender mainstreaming, women's rights, child labour and education, and on social policies for children in India. She also co-directed and taught the MA Programme in Gender and Development, and conducted evaluations and trainings for numerous international agencies. Dr Subrahmanian has a PhD in Development Studies and a MA in Gender and Development.
The session shares insights into developing strong, collaborative approaches as well as lessons on promising approaches to building evidence on the root causes of child labour.
Join UNICEF and a panel of experts to explore gaps in current business approaches to tackling child labour in global supply chains, and the regulatory environment.