Prior to her appointment to lead the ILO Office in New York, she worked as the Chief of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch, based at the ILO in Geneva. Ms. Andrees played a key role in the launch and consolidation of Alliance 8.7 - a multi-stakeholder partnership to end forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour in line with SDG target 8.7. She was also the ILO’s lead focal point in the organisation of the IV Global Conference for the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour, hosted by Argentina in 2017. In 2013-2014, as head of the ILO’s Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour, she coordinated efforts which led to the adoption of the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention (1930).
The event describes the progress that has been made in building the evidence base on child labour, forced labour, and human trafficking, and highlight gaps in knowledge to bridge these gaps.