H. E. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma is the Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development. She is a native of Burkina Faso with over thirty (30) years of experience in international relations, Diplomacy, Governance and peace and security, and humanitarian and social affairs. At the international level, Her Excellency has served as Director of the United Nations and African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur from June 2014 to July 2015, where she contributed through negotiations and mediation to strengthening peacekeeping operations, humanitarian affairs, and preventive diplomacy.
The panel focuses on the strategies and actions that need to be taken to eliminate child labour and accelerate progress towards achieving SDG Target 8.7.
The session provides a forum for African stakeholders to discuss the continent’s specific challenges, as well as political priorities and strategic partnerships to end child labour in Africa.