Chief of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch of the ILO Governance and Tripartism Department since April 2021. Mr. Vanhuynegem holds a Master Degree in Economics and a Special Master Degree in Econometrics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He joined the ILO in 1997 starting in Ivory Coast and then in Lima Sub-regional office, as junior professional officer on social protection. He also worked in the ILO headquarters for several large technical cooperation programmes on social exclusion, social protection and local development. From 2011 to 2015, Mr. Vanhuynegem was the senior enterprise specialist for the Andean Countries, based in Lima and the Director of the Sub regional Office for the Andean Countries from 2016 until March 2021.
The event will share the key components that constitute the driving force for Latin America and the Caribbean in the prevention and eradication of child labour.
This side event discusses what has worked and what are the promising practices to pick up the pace towards achieving SDG Target 8.7.