Thato Mhlungu, 18 years of age. She has three siblings and was raised by both parents and lost her dad to drugs in the year 2016. Thato attended primary school at Kabelo then progressed to Katlehong Technical High school where she matriculated. She enjoys reading books and developed love for debate and public speaking. This led her to be elected as a Representative Class Leaners President. She began her journey as a child rights activist began in 2019. She was elected as a child ambassador for province (Gauteng). She was also elected to be the speaker of the Nelson Mandela Children 's Parliament in 2019. Being part of the NMCP was a fruitful journey as she developed and grew her leadership skills. She developed a network of children in her community where they raised awareness about the rights of children and issues they face everyday.
The session will serve to introduce the theme to be taken up in more detail in the subsequent conference deliberations.