Mr Andrews Addoquaye Tagoe affectionately called ‘Andy’ is an Agricultural Engineer by training and a Trade Unionist by profession. Andy works as the Deputy General Secretary for the General Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) of the Trades Union Congress-Ghana and also acts as the Regional Representative from Anglophone Africa for the Global March Against Child Labour . He has professional competences in Labour issues, decent work, child labour, workplace occupational safety and health, rural livelihoods and poverty reduction strategies for rural people. Since the year 2000 Andy has rescued over 4500 children in Agriculture, who were placed in various educational and skills schemes in Ghana . Some of who are become youth Activist in communities.
The event focuses on shared experiences and best practices in getting children out of work and back into school, by strengthening child protection systems and using area-based approaches.
This side event will explore opportunities for reinforced public and private sector collaboration to meaningfully tackle child labor in cocoa at a landscape level.
The event facilitates learning and discussion on the possibilities of the area-based approach as a solution to eliminate child labor in countries where it is prevalently found in agriculture.