Mr. Pilirani Kamaliza affectionately called ‘Pixie’ is a Business Manager/Consultant by training and a Trade Union’s Programs Coordinator by profession. Pixie works as the National Programs Coordinator for Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) Union and also privately works as a Master of Trainers in the field of Child Rights and Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programmes for young people (https://www.trainerslab.net/trainers/view/pilirani-kamaliza/). He is a seasoned Child Rights advocate for 10years and has professional competences in Child Labour, Human/Child rights issues, Decent Work, youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Advocacy.
The session explains how the profession and education unions have acted decisively to ensure an inclusive education recovery from the unprecedented Covid crisis.
The event focuses on shared experiences and best practices in getting children out of work and back into school, by strengthening child protection systems and using area-based approaches.